Clan Badges and Motto
Belt & Buckle Clansman’s Badge
with motto “Stand Fast”
Clan Grant Badge: A sprig of Scots Pine,
usually worn on the clansman’s lapel or bonnet
Clan Grant Motto: Stand Fast, Craigellachie!
Craigellachie (pronounced Kra-GEL'-a-key) is Gaelic for “rock of alarm.” The Clan Grant motto is “Stand Fast, Craigellachie!” Craigellachie is the hill or mountain behind the modern town of Aviemore. It is also the name of a village situated about thirty miles down the River Spey from Aviemore. During the halcyon days of the Clan Grant, it was the stated goal of the Chiefs of Grant to hold all the lands “between the two Craigellachies.” And they very nearly succeeded!
The belt and buckle clansman’s badge features a mountain in flames. In former times, large pyres or bonfires were ignited on high hills or mountains in Strathspey to signify a gathering of the men of the clan, to celebrate a joyous event, or to warn the clan of impending danger.