Why become a member? Membership in the society helps to support and further the efforts of the Clan Grant Society USA in preserving our common Grant heritage, and furthering the aims of the society as defined in our bylaws. When you join the society, you may develop bonds with other members who are united by their deeply felt connections to their heritage, their ancestors, and desire to preserve the traditions of that heritage through their support of, and participation in, the Clan Grant Society USA.
Clan Grant is not just a historical society, it is a living clan whose members consider themselves extended family and kin and who keep their heritage alive through participation in many gatherings and events around the country. Your ancestors are calling you, honor them by joining the society today!
Membership in the Society is open to any person who is lineally descended from the surname "Grant", a recognized Clan Grant sept name, or anyone who is generally interested in or in sympathy with the purposes of the Clan Grant Society. An entire family is covered under one membership. A family is considered to be the parents and any children under the age of 18 years.
Dues are:
Individuals: $20.00 for 1-year, $40.00 for 2-years, or $55.00 for 3-years. Allows one vote at the AGM.
Family: $35.00 for 1-year, $70.00 for 2-years, or $100.00 for 3-years. Allows two votes at the AGM.
Note: New members joining from July through December will pay only $10 for their first year of membership.
Lifetime membership in the Clan Grant Society is:
Individual: $400.00
Family: $700.00
Members over 80 years of age are considered life members and are exempt from the payment of annual dues after the first year of membership. If a life member dies, their spouse automatically becomes a life member.
Membership includes the Quarterly newsletter, "The Craigellachie", which is available online in the Members Only section of the website.
The Society can also offer a reduced subscription rate for the following excellent publication: Scotland Magazine - $15.50/yr.
NOTE: The link for this discounted rate can only be found in the Members Only section of the website.
Other Items
Additionally, the Society also collects donations for two areas within our group. Both of the these are listed on the membership application.
The first is for the Scholarship Fund. This is stated in the Bylaws as providing educational assistance such as financial assistance to deserving students, establishment of a fellowship in Scottish literature or music, grants to schools or universities, and support of the Clan Grant Educational and Charitable Trust.
The second is for the collection of funds for the maintenance and upkeep of the Clan Centre in Duthil. You can see more information in the article: Clan Center.
Further questions can be sent to the membership team using the 'Contact Us' form and selecting "Membership Inquiry" as the Category.
Applying for Membership
You can apply for membership either online with a credit card, or via postal mail and a check/money order.
Online: Interactive Form and pay by Credit Card. (Instructions for using Credit Cards with PayPal)
Printed Form: Download Printer Friendly Membership Application In PDF

Clan Grant Society.
Mail to:
Clan Grant Society
6640 Arena Rd.
Ozark, AR 72949-2481